Dr. su's quiz

If you are a Unix geek, give Dr. su's quiz a try.

See if you can determine the meaning of each line of Unix commands below. As much as possible, these commands are valid to run on a typical Linux machine (though some of them would require setting up particular files or users).

I hope you enjoy solving Dr. su's quiz as much as I did composing it. Answers will follow in a later post.

Try this site for a hint.

who > horton

tar -cf hat /bin/cat

tar -xf hat

killall -HUP pop

sudo -u grinch mv xmas /mnt/crumpet

echo -e '\e[32meg\x67s h\x61m\e[0m'

su brown -c moo; test -x moo

echo 'rm -f marvin' | at now

echo {One,Two,Red,Blue}' Fish'

cp fox socks/

chown bart:cubbins hat{1..500}

find mulberry -name "it" -exec think {} +

[ -n "$(pgrep -u $(whoami) zoo)" ]

man sleep

case $(date +%u) in [1234567]) uptime;; esac